- Take a mental vacation...close your eyes and imagine you are someplace most enjoyable. Fully experience this event. See the sights. Hear the sounds. Feel the air. Smell the smells. Tune in to the sense of well-being. You will feel like you have been on a vacation in just a few moments.
- Say the Serenity Prayer: Grant me the courage to change the things I can change, the ability to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference.
- Self-Rejuvenation. Enoy what makes your spirit soar...listen to music, meditate, dance, paint, embrace the peacefulness of nature, read or write.
- Set Limits. We often embrace unrealistic expectations regarding how much we should accomplish in life. This is a prime culprit in increasing our stress levels. Bringing expectations into line with reality and learning to say "no" offers immediate relief.
- Social Support. Find people you trust, who can nurture and support you.
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