Give us men. Good men. Men with true faith, strong minds, heroic hearts and ready hands. Men whose feet have a way of sticking to a chosen path without straying when a bump is encountered. Men who are as hard as a rock, yet sensitive and compassionate. Men who will not emotionally tease, having no intention of following through with what is/was said by demonstration/action! Men whose will is strong enough not to be shaped and fashioned by society’s shallow perceptions. Men who are willing to stand up when the odds are against them because they are men.
So, I ask…is this too much?
self expression
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I appreciate this blog. Not wrong at all. The state of the male today is alarming. There is a perception of being weak that all of us men encounter that seems to cause us to be afraid to do what most men deem as not masculine enough. Like... Give another man a hug. Young men need real role models and all of the really good ones seem to never make it on MTV or BET or any other big media outlet. All we see is all we become. And quite frankly, it saddens me that I am able to associate with some of them but most others do not because they CHOOSE not to. Anyways, I must go, time is of the essence!
-Mic Blu